Championing Intensivist-led Excellence
The intensivist division of Envision Physician Services is an expanding group of fellowship-trained intensivists that launched its first program in 2009 and now provides a wide range of ICU coverage at multiple facilities throughout the country.
Envision is focused on protecting and empowering intensivists so they can focus on caring for patients. By coupling our expansive nationwide network with regionally based clinical leaders, our unique structure enables us to develop local practices with dedicated intensivist leaders who leverage our vast national resources to support frontline clinicians.
Envision values the diverse perspectives and experiences of its teammates. We recognize that through our collective expertise, we can continue to drive innovative solutions in the delivery of care and improve the health of all communities.
As a critical care physician with Envision Physician Services, I have been able to design my practice with a balance of multiple specialties. I feel blessed to be able to practice critical care medicine with a focus on patient outcomes and quality and to do it with a team of like-minded colleagues.